Dr. Martens new Joy Division/New Order designs available this week

Dr. Martens & music culture go hand in hand, so these new designs make SO MUCH sense....which makes me wonder, why did it take decades for this to happen?

This week, 3 new Dr. Martens designs will be available, featuring the iconic artwork from the Joy Division & New Order albums Unknown Pleasures, Power, Corruption and Lies and Technique.  

They'll set you back $155-$160, but they'll last forever.  Worth it.

I'm usually one for ALL black, and I adore the Unknown Pleasures artwork, but the Power, Corruption and Lies design is really calling my name,  it's subtle, and just a touch feminine. WANT!  (I do have a birthday coming up in August!)

"Window shop" or order yours thru the official Dr. Martens site.

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